Tustin Repeals Residency Restrictions

In a unanimous vote, the Tustin City Council decided on September 20 to repeal the city’s residency restrictions which prohibited registered citizens from residing in most of that city. The vote followed a lawsuit filed in August 2016 which challenged the city’s restrictions.

“This is a significant victory for registered citizens who wish to live in Tustin,” declared ACSOL president Janice Bellucci. “Families in that city will no longer be torn apart.”

The City Council’s vote on September 20 is the second and final step taken by the council. The repeal will take effect 30 days after that vote.

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Way to go team Janice!

Now how are we ever going to get issues to SCOTUS if you keep winning and making the opposition give up like that? Just kidding, great job!

Let’s keep up the great stuff. Way to Go!

Great job Janice! All these “FEEL-GOOD” laws and ordinances must end…….

Video of meeting is at this link:


The section is brief. It starts at 41:48 and ends at 43:50. NOTE that the vote was 3-2, NOT unanimous.

NOTE: If your browser requires a plugin, I suggest using Internet Explorer or Edge instead.

Another Jenga cube pulled, weakening the entire structure, and Team Janice behind it as usual. Thank you thank you thank you.

ταπεινοφροσύνη – pronounced tapeinophrosýnē

In a vain effort to portray themselves as Pious Ones or Straight that is Standing Up Straight. The people of Tustin following the wrong path of Unforgiveness, have shown themselves to all the people in their lives such as their Little Ones, Help Mates, Brothers, Sisters, Close Fellows, Business Partners, Fellow Country Men,

and Most importantly – The Most High of The Heavens Creator of all who have tread on the Earth from the 6th. day when He formed Hadam from the lowest elements, dirt & dust that they lack a fundamental element of human maturity – To Forgive your Fellow. This Lack and Want of Character, they could not see in themselves and would not believe until now they are brought low.

The people of Tustin have a Poisoned heart and can not be trusted with a persons intimate issues, if you seek their council, be it on a personal or business level you can be assured it will not be treated with discretion but a most Horrid Pre-Judgement.

Who would consent to associate with Un-Wholefullness, a person In-Complete and Injure by Hate.

[Strong’s: 5012 (tapeinophrosýnē) is atypically used of false humility in Col 2:18,23.]

As Yehovah lives, I speak Truth

You’re great, Janice and team; thank you all and may God bless you for being on the side of tough righteousness and for all that you do!

From the depths of my heart, thank you–the world would be a worst place to be apart if not for you!

Congrats! This is another example of overzealous cities. We have individuals with very minor offenses who have been affected by these prejudicial laws! As noted, this is another example of why California needs to institute a tiered system. Furthermore, if these laws continue, it almost makes it impossible for any registered citizen to travel throughout California without breaking the law!

Congrats! Keep piling up more victories!

You are our hero, Janice!

I clicked on the detestable “Ordinance 1395” link on the Tustin website https://econnect.tustinca.org/residents.html

I have never been so happy to see a “no such page” error!

You rock, Janice!